The Last Course on Acne

Lately I've been seeing an increasing number of women post about their acne on various social media channels. The most frequent posts have been in a number of private Facebook groups I belong to.

Responses include
  • skin care recommendations
  • cutting back on exercise
  • getting enough sleep
  • cutting out gluten/dairy
  • reducing stress
  • using progesterone creams
  • collagen supplements
  • essential oils

And the list goes on.......  

Some of them, like getting enough sleep, are quite valuable.

The trouble is the causes of acne vary, and the solutions must address the cause. There are different types of acne, and they require targeted treatment methods.

Even advice given with the best of intentions could be counter-productive if it doesn't fit the situation. In other words, it's easy to be given the right answer to the wrong problem.

A supplement or herbal treatment may greatly help your friend's acne. She then encourages you to take the same supplement and your acne becomes worse.

Honestly, acne is just too complex to be taking advice at random. And because acne takes some time to heal, it can even be a struggle to define what is working and what isn't working.

What's the solution, then?
#clearskin #acne #acnefree #hormonalhealth

The Last Course on Acne by Fran Kerr of High on Clear Skin 

I met Fran Kerr when I was working to heal my own adult acne. I had made some nutritional changes that were helping the appearance of my acne but I couldn't completely shake it. Fran offered me further guidance and I experienced greater improvement.

Fran has been helping women heal their acne for 10 years. She has put together the benefits of her research and education into a one stop shop, online course.  

Are you tired of struggling with acne?
Do you want to break free from feeling as if you have to hide your face from the world?
Are you ready to be in the picture and no longer behind the camera?
Are you confused about what supplements you should be using OR not be using to heal your acne?
Are you ready to discover how to find the right skin care to help the appearance of your acne?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then this course may be right for you.

Click here to check out ALL the benefits The Last Course on Acne offers

Note: There are affiliate links in this post. If you choose to make  a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I value myself and feel would be of benefit to you. Thank you for your support. 


Posted in Acne. Tagged as acne, acne supplements, adult acne, beautiful skin, fran kerr, healing acne, high on clear skin, the last course on acne.